Real men wear pink

>> Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Lucas found this pink swim vest at my mom's house this morning. It was shipped to her by mistake when we ordered some beach apparel for Lucas last summer and we decided just to save it for, well, whatever. Lucas insisted on wearing this pink and purple bikini with floatie vest around the house. He wore it for about an hour or so and when I took it off he had dark rings around his thighs where it was digging into his skin. But, he had a ball and didn't seem to care that pink is not his color.... or is it?
Bono watch out!! Lucas Brown in the house!! Only the coolest of the cool wear their glasses upside down!

Plus, not to toot my horn but.... I just joined the Chicago Mom' s Blog and I have my first post up there today! I feel a little famous and a bit intimidated but a lot excited. :)


Unknown February 27, 2008 at 6:02 AM  

Awesome post at Chicago Mom's blog! I left a comment there too, but had some other babywearing questions for you.

At what age do you recommend starting a back carry with a Mei Tei? And what is the recommended weight limit for a ring sling? I love my ring sling and can't imagine going without it, but I know at some point I'll have to switch to a back carry.

Ladybug is almost 9 months old and weighs almost 30 lbs. So that complicates things, I think. I wear her at church (up front, while leading music with Hubby), and people are always commenting on "soon she'll be too big for that." But I am not ready to give up wearing her because of her size!

Any suggestions? I know you're on vacation, so answer when you have a chance. No rush!

Catherine February 27, 2008 at 7:57 PM  

You are totally famous. :) Oh, and I laughed out loud at that first pictures. You go, Lucas! :)

Baby Love Slings


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