Things I have recently done while Babywearing
>> Sunday, January 11, 2009
Cook a full Thanksgiving dinner
Decorate the house for Christmas
(and undecorate the house from Christmas)
Change a stinky diaper (or 2 or 3 or...)
Order groceries online (thank you PeaPod)
Iron fabric for slings and other sewing projects
Teach other people how to wear their babies
Participate in a Drum Circle
Clean up dog poo in the backyard Soothe my sick toddler
Empty and reload the dishwasher
Fly to California (babywearing in the airport and on the plane too)
Attend a funeral.
Watch my Gators play football...and WIN!! HOORAY!!
Hold my toddler's hand through a very crowded museumPlay cars and pretend to be a car
And oh-so-much more....
What are some of yours? We mommies get creative and just do what we gotta do!!
i need to pull out my sling again...and my wrap. sofie was in a phase of not loving it, but maybe she is back into it. hmmmm...yeah!
I recently had to clean the house while wearing the toddler. Haven't had to do that in a while. Made dinner with her in the mei tai, and wore her in two restaurants last week!
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